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Your 5 first steps to transform your hair salon into a sustainable hair salon

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2024

Your 5 first steps to transform your hair salon into a sustainable hair salon that not only will create an impact for you it will also cause a ripple effect on your community and the world with the choices that you start to make as a sustainable hair stylist that shows that you care. 

1 .Find your own why! 

The very first step to transform your salon into a sustainable hair salon is for you to really understand why do you want to have a business that is sustai nable?

What is really the reason for yourself?

The more clear you can become about what is your why, the easier it will be for you to star to implement changes.

Holding on to your why is what will also attract even more of the clients that is interested in a sustainable salon because people want to get to know you and your story behind your why.

2.What part of your bussiness and life are you wasteful?

When it comes to running a salon that is sustainable it has not only to do with what you do in your salon, for me it is a way of living. 

So ask yourself in what way are you wasteful in your business?

In what way are you wasteful in your life?

How can you change these things into a more sustainable soulution so that this will become your new way of living.

3.What do you know about the products you are using in the salon? 

When you look at all the different products that you are using in the salon?

What impact do them have on the environment?

What impact do they have on humans?

What impact do they have on you as the hairstylist?

What impact does the brand have when it comes to production, sourcing materials, the people that they work with, in what way are they working in a sustainable way?

How does that feel for you?

If you feel that there might be a better option out there? 


4.Switch to fair trade coffee, tea snacks 

When it is the next time to get snacks, coffee, tea and other complementary things that you offer in the salon switch it up to a fair trade marked option.

In this way you will know that the plants have been taken care of and also the people that are the produces of the product.

By switching to working in a more sustainable salon you want to not only look at what impact on the environment does the choice that I make but also the chain of people around the product that I choose to invest my money in. 

5.Next time you need cleaning supplies get a non toxic option. 

There is such great simple natural ways of cleaning your salon, you do not need to buy loads of stuff in order for you to clean your salon in a sustainable non toxic way. 

You can find my non toxic salon cleaning recipies here: 

Save these 5 steps and start to take action on them!

I want to remind you that you do not need to transform everything that you are doing over a night, you can do this one step at the time. It will take time to make a shift into a more sustainable hair salon and the more that you learn the easier it will become for you.

Sending you lots of love


Serene Flow


50% Complete


The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!