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[Serene Flow Mantra] My dream hair clients are searching for me!

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2024

I guess that you would not say no to more clients right?


But do you really want to have any type of clients?


Ask yourself who is it that I really want to help?


What type of person is that?


What are their values?


What is it about what you do and who you are that makes them attracted to your chair?


This weeks Seren Flow Mantra is “My dream hair clients are searching for me!”

Anytime that you feel a feeling of lack, “I do not make enough”, “I do not have enough clients”, “I do not like this person that sits in my chair”.


I want to invite you to use the mantra ”My dream hair clients are searching for me!”, hold this mantra close to your heart and when you are ready to take action ask yourself:

How easy is it for people to know that I as a hairstylist exist and my hair salon exist in the town that I’m in?


If someone would search on google hair dresser / hair stylist and your town, can you be found there, what happens if you do the same on social media?


If you do not come up then I want you to take it as your job to take action on that and start to implement strategies so that your dream clients can find you with ease. 


This is one of the things that will really transform your hair styling business.


Sending you lots of love


Serene Flow 



50% Complete


The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!