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[Serene Flow Mantra] ā€œIā€™m worthy of letting go of the things that are stressful for me!ā€

Uncategorized May 30, 2024

When was the last time you sat down and really checked in with yourself about how you are feeling in general? If you feel that there are things in your life that are stressful for you, write that out for yourself. 


It is so easy to add more and more things to our list of things to do, the things that we need to do and also the things that we want to do. But what happens when there is just too much that is pulling you into a million different directions at the time? 


That is when overwhelm and stress can start to take  hold of you!


Society has increasingly embraced the idea that the more we do, the better, and that we should cram in so much and be able to take care of so many clients.


This weeks, Serene Flow mantra is: “I’m worthy of letting go of the things that are stressful for me!”


I wish for you to start looking at your life and your business from a new perspective. Do your check-in. How are things really working for me? 


Is there something that is stressing you out at this moment?


Can you remove or shift the things that are currently stressing you out? 


I want to remind you that you do not need to push everything to the limit at all times. 


It is ok to have room for a pause here and there!


Repeat the mantra after me: “I’m worthy of letting go of the things that are stressful for me!”


If you want to have inspiration on how to shift any stressful situation, then check out the live training that I did this week on how to handle stress as a hairstylist: https://www.serene-flow.com/blog/how-to-handle-stress-as-a-hair-stylist


I also want to remind you that if you have some breathing room in your schedule where you allow yourself just to ,be then you are creating room for creativity, room for playand , room to take your work ttheur next level. 


Sending you lots of love


Serene Flow 


50% Complete


The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!