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[Serene Flow Mantra] โ€œI attract clients that appreciate me for who I am and my energyโ€

Uncategorized Jun 13, 2024

The moment you are working with a new client and it seems that it does not matter what you ask, you get that awkward silence. The client in your chair has no interest in you.


The idea of awkwardness is growing within you, and you get the feeling that it will be super hard to please the client sitting in your chair.


Just like all relationships in life, not everyone is a good fit for us! 


Not every client will be the right client for you.


This is why this week's Seren Flow mantra is: I attract clients that appreciate me for who I am and my energy!


If you are in an awkward position where you have a client who is not the right fit for you in your chair, then I want to invite you to just do your best. 

After, do not beat yourself up for the situation. Be okay, and hold on to the fact that you did the best that you could. If you have any awkward feelings or emotions, shake them out of your body, let them go, and do not make them into a big deal for yourself. 


Shift your focus to who it is that you want to have in your chair. 


What does that person need to hear from you today?


Create a social media post about this. I even want to encourage you to create a video of you talking into the camera about what your dream client needs to hear from you today so that they can connect with you and so that you can shift your focus and start to attract the person that you really should help.

Hold this week's Serene Flow Mantra, “I attract clients that appreciate me for who I am and my energy!” close to your heart, make it a way of life, and you will see that the right person will soon come to your chair.



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The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!