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Hairstylist, Do you have your weekly check in ritual to track what is working in your hairstyling business?

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2024


Do you have your weekly check in ritual to track what is working in your business?


In order for you to have a healthy hairstyling business you need to keep track of what is working and what is not working in your business. 

Decide on what day that you are doing the check in, block off 30 minutes in your calendar the same day for the next 2 months.

Use this guide and start to track things.


There is one thing to think that you know and there is a totaly different thing to acually know and keep on track on what it is that you are accualyy generating each week.


The same as looking at your revenue, is to look at what is it that your company is costing you each week. What bills and what things has been as a cost for you this week?


3.How many new clients have you had this week?

Count how many new clients you have had, also for each and every new client that you book in, while you are doing their hair alway ask them how they found you and start to make a note of that so that you can know how your marketing efforts are working

4.Returing clients:

How many returning clients have you had this past week and is there any particular service people are comming for?


5.Social media numbers:

If you are using social media to promote your work then I want you to start to track your numbers week by week, how often are you posting per week, what is the interaction, how many followers did you gain, what is your reach, what is working and what is not working?

Save this, and start to take action by tracking this, to have a deeper understanding of your hairstyling business then you will gain confidence and really know what is wrorking and what is not working. 

Let me know your biggest a ha moments by starting to track your numbers.

Sending you lots of love


Serene Flow 


50% Complete


The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!