Have your next 90 days of social media content planned out for you! Get social media with ease planner for only $1!

I help hairstylists take control over their marketing strategy so that they can attract their dream clients into their chair with ease!

Start today by getting our b-rool guide for hairstylists!

Yes I want to attract more clients to my chair with help of b-rool video!

3 ways we can get started together!

Start Listening to The Sustainable hairstylist podcast!

Join me each week for a new episode. Lets take a journey together in the world of business, marketing, spirituality, personal development so that you can become the best version of yourself and become unstoppable behind the chair! 

Click here to listen now!

Scale your hairstyling business to six figures!

Learn how to scale your hairstyling business to six figures and even more in a holistic and sustainable way so that you can have time to enjoy life. Join our FREE mini course!

Take the first leap towards your dream life and business! 

Join our FREE training!

Do you want your next 5 social media posts planned out for you?

Let me give you the ultimate social media guide where you get your next 5 social media posts planned out for you. I guide you what type of photo / video to use and what to write in the caption!

Yes I want to get the free social media guide!

Is caption writing a struggle for you?

Have ChatGPT create your captions with help of this prompt!

Who is behind Serene Flow?

The founder of Serene Flow is Ann-Marie Christell born and raised in Sweden by a Polish mother and a Swedish father and at an early age she started to explore the world and see what can I found around that corner? At this moment Ann-Marie have moved From Sweden to start a new life in the South of France Provence together with her husband Andy some snippets of renovating their French cottage house and overgrown garden can be found on instagram stories: https://www.instagram.com/sereneflow_

With over 20 years of experience working as a hairstylist Ann-Marie now coach other hairstylists like you  to take controll of their marketing strategy so that you can attract the clients that you always dreamed of so that your hairstyling business can run in a smoth way.

For over six years as a coach for hairstylists Ann-Marie has guided hairstylists to transform their lives and business through her programs and books The Serene Flow Stylist Planner, Social media with ease and intention, The Serene Flow Marketing Club her membership. 

In 2026 she will also host her Serene Flow Reset Retreat in the heart of Provence, this is the perfect retreat for you if you are a Hairstylist that wants a break from your every day work in the salon and to really find that spark of inspiration again. The goal we have with this retreat is for you to fill yourself up with inspiration and come back with energy and a marketing plan that will take your business to your next level.

When Ann-Marie is not working you can find her exploring her inner world and the real world with her husband Andy, she enjoys scuba diving, exploring nature, gardening, yoga & meditation and other spiritual practices and some good live music now and again.

How Ann-Marie helps her clients

The Sustainable Hair Stylist Podcast

Featured episodes!

Are you tired of all of those clients that does not value you for the work that you do? Do you want to learn how to shift your energy so that you can attract more of the clients that you really want to help, that value you for who you are and the work that you do? Test our Attract meditation and start to see magic happening around you.


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The day that we really start to show up in the world in a different way, we can start to create a massive change!
If we all start to take our own journey seriously and own that, then together we can create a massive change!